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  • ranti 21:30 on June 21, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: data,   

    Ten root conditions of data quality problems 

    1. Multiple data sources.  Multiple data sources of the same information produce different values for this information.  This can include values that were accurate at a given point in time.
    2. Subjective judgment in data production.  Information production using subjective judgment can result in the production of biased information.
    3. Limited computing resources.  Lack of sufficient computing resources limits accessibility to relevant information.
    4. Security/accessibility trade-off.  Easy access to information may conflict with requirements for security, privacy, and confidentiality.
    5. Coded data across disciplines.  Coded data from different functions and disciplines is difficult to decipher and understand.  Also, codes may conflict.
    6. Complex data representations.  Algorithms are not available for automated content analysis across instances of text and image information.  Non-numeric information can be difficult to index in a way that permits location of relevant information.
    7. Volume of data.  Large volumes of stored information make it difficult to access needed information in a reasonable time.
    8. Input rules too restrictive or bypassed.  Input rules that are too restrictive may impose unnecessary controls on data input and lose data that has important meaning.  Data entry clerks may skip entering data into field (missing information) or arbitrarily change a value to conform to rules and pass an edit check (erroneous information).
    9. Changing data needs.  As information consumers’ tasks and the organization environment (such as new market, new legal requirements, new trends) change, the information that is relevant and useful changes.
    10. Distributed heterogeneous systems.  Distributed heterogeneous systems without proper integration mechanisms lead to inconsistent definitions, formats, rules, and values.  The original meaning of data may be lost of distorted as data flows and is retrieved from a different system, time, place, data consumer, for same or different purposes.

    Lee, Yang Journey to Data Quality. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006. 80-81

  • ranti 17:07 on May 31, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , screen reader   

    Results from WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey #4 

    WeAIM just published the results of their fourth screen reader user’s preference survey:

    The comprehensive report showed users preferences such as devices used, operating system, their primary screen reader, browser, etc. Also shown what kind of mobile platform these users use.  It’s interesting to see that the conclusion remains the same: there is no typical screen reader user.

    Specific interesting notes that they mentioned:

    • JAWS is still the software most widely used, but there’s an increase in NVDA and Apple’s VoiceOver usage as well.
    • There’s an increase in use of a screen reader on a mobile device
    • Flash content and CAPTCHA are still problematic.


  • ranti 11:18 on January 18, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: internet, piracy, sopa   

    SOPA blackout 

    Find more:

    • za 07:44 on January 20, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Is this blog having a blackout too? *dark theme*

      • ranti 12:29 on January 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        Ha. Yes. :-)
        Though looks like it’s time to switch back to the original theme.

  • ranti 17:00 on December 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , cd, dvd, web-based services   

    Web-based services for CDs and DVDs collection 

    I’m looking for a web-based services like but for my CDs and DVDs. Granted, one could add their CDs and DVDs manually into, but who got the time to do that? I’m looking for some kind of automatic way to add my music and movie collections. So, I’m  scouring some discussions group and forums and looks like these are the ones that get mentioned more:

    For DVDs:

    • Take11, although somebody said that he “wasn’t that excited.”
    • DVD Profiler
    • DVD Corral
    • IheartMovies
    • OpenDB, which is something you can install and host yourself
    • IMDb, where you can create an account and create a list those movie titles you owned

    For CDs:

    I haven’t tried none of the above, but would like to put them here for bookmarking purposes. Of course, I’d also need to find out whether any of the services above can accommodate my vinyls as well.

    • za 04:54 on January 2, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      CD? Isn’t that ancient legacy? :-) I said that eventhough I still listening CD at my car.

  • ranti 17:26 on June 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , disability,   

    Technology Developments for People with Disabilities 

    Few interesting technology developments that would benefit people with disabilities:

    I’m quite excited about these developments. These by no means are the only development in progress, I’m quite sure. But these show the kind of possibilities one could develop to help people with disabilities.

    Speaking of controlled tool, this news about robot cat ears that are responding to brain waves came out several months ago. The robotic cat ears are cute, sure thing, but think about the possibilities of creating brain wave controlled tools for people who can’t even move any part of their body. That would be awesome.

    On a related note, I’m looking forward to be able to send tweets just by the thoughts. Heh. :-D

  • ranti 18:32 on May 19, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: stuff   

    A lot of things that I would like to post but keep getting distracted with something else. Oh well…

  • ranti 18:57 on April 17, 2011 Permalink | Reply

    State of Denial 

    Miss Wormwood: Calvin! Pay attention! We’re studying GEOGRAPHY! Now what state do you live in?

    Calvin: Denial.

    Miss Wormwood: *sighs* Well, I don’t suppose I can argue with that..

    • za 00:53 on April 18, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      so, is Denial one of the state name? :-)

  • ranti 00:10 on April 14, 2011 Permalink | Reply

    Firefox Display Options 

    Firefox page display option:s: single page and multiple tabs

  • ranti 19:11 on February 19, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , accessibility   

    Interesting article: “A World Wide Web that Talks” 

    A World Wide Web that Talks
    IBM builds a search engine aimed at the estimated fifth of the world’s population that cannot read.
    By Tom Simonite

    Some 10,000 people worldwide use a version of the Web like no other: it is operated by voice over the telephone. Called the “Spoken Web,” it is the result of an IBM research project attempting to re-create the features and functions of the text-based World Wide Web for people in developing regions with low levels of literacy and technical skills.


    • za 22:52 on March 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting. I’m sure it will really help!

  • ranti 23:56 on January 27, 2011 Permalink | Reply

    #libday6 for Thursday January 27, 2011 

    The thing about staying home nursing this cold is: I got plenty of time to read the accumulated unread emails in my inbox. Also read some more online articles.

    • Helped a colleague to figure out how to create a permanent/persistent link for a fulltext article on WilsonWeb. Rather surprised that Wilson doesn’t give it by default. Found a work around: use their Export –> (other) Bibliographic Citation option, then copy the given PURL. Their help page indicated that one could just right click the article link and copy the link. But it didn’t work when I tried out; Wilson use a javascript. Too bad.
    • Administering ASIS&T mailing list: subscription requests, moderating posts that get stuck for moderation for whatever reason.
    • Testing out off-campus access for some e-resources, either through ezproxy or the institutional login/shibboleth.
    • A fellow librarian sent wide email queried about BeBook and then asked me about the accessibility aspect of it. Apparently a faculty asked him about using it to access and read our e-resources, especially ebooks. The faculty has had difficulties reading articles and ebook on his PC monitor. Unfortunately, e-ink display like that is not optimized to access our e-resources directly and read the ebooks. Refered him to our RCPD unit (Resource for Persons with Disabilities.)
    • Worked a bit on ER&L website. Added the preliminary schedule.
    • Helped my friend reviewed his documentation on crediting images used for an exhibition
    • Read:
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